每一種編程語言都有數據結構,但他們各有不同之處。JavaScript 是一種動態語言,變數的類型不用提前聲明,你可以使用同一個變數來保存不同的數據類型。

var a = 'apple'; // String type
var a = 42; // Number type
var a = true; // Boolean type

這就和 Python 的寫法差不多:

a = 'apple' // String type
a = 42 // Number type
a = True // Boolean type


ECMAScript 標準明確定義了 7 種數據類型:6 種原始類型 (Primitive value) 和 Object。

{% img /img/javascript-data-structures.svg 300 auto JavaScript Data Structure %}


  1. Undefined
  2. Null
  3. Boolean
  4. Number
  5. String
  6. Symbol (ECMAScript 2015)




在 JavaScript 誕生之時,數值是由一個標籤以及實際數據值表示的。基本類型的標籤是 1,而對象類型的標籤是 0。

由於 null 代表的是空指針(全部都是 0),null 的類型標籤會是 0。如果你在 console 直接輸入typeof null的話,就會得到 "object" 的結果,雖然這不是我們想要的值。。。

typeof undefined; // "undefined"
typeof Boolean;   // "function"
typeof true;      // "boolean"
typeof 42;        // "number"
typeof "42";      // "string"
typeof Symbol();  // "symbol"

我們可以看一下 ECMAScript 是怎樣定義 typeof 的:

  1. Let val be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression.
  2. If Type(val) is Reference, then a. If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "undefined".
  3. Set val to ? GetValue(val).
  4. Return a String according to Table 35.

Table 35: typeof Operator Results

val 的類型 結果
Item One Item Two
Type of val Result
Undefined "undefined"
Null "object"
Boolean "boolean"
Number "number"
String "string"
Symbol "symbol"
Object (ordinary and does not implement [[Call]]) "object"
Object (standard exotic and does not implement [[Call]]) "object"
Object (implements [[Call]]) "function"
Object (non-standard exotic and does not implement [[Call]]) Implementation-defined. Must not be "undefined", "boolean", "function", "number", "symbol", or "string".

另外,如果直接用typeof來判斷 NaN 的話,它會返回"number",對於 NaN 我們可以用isNaN方法來判斷是否一個數字。

typeof NaN; // "number"
isNaN(NaN); // true


我們可以利用Object.prototype.toString.call()或者Object.prototype.toString.apply()這兩個方法判斷 Object 的類型,以及 null:

Object.prototype.toString.call(undefined);   // "[object Undefined]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(new Date);    // "[object Date]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(new String);  // "[object String]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(Math);        // "[object Math]"
Object.prototype.toString.call(null);        // "[object Null]"

ECMAScript 明確定義 Object.prototype.toString():

  1. If the this value is undefined, return "[object Undefined]".
  2. If the this value is null, return "[object Null]".
  3. Let O be ! ToObject(this value).
  4. Let isArray be ? IsArray(O).
  5. If isArray is true, let builtinTag be "Array".
  6. Else if O is a String exotic object, let builtinTag be "String".
  7. Else if O has a [[ParameterMap]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Arguments".
  8. Else if O has a [[Call]] internal method, let builtinTag be "Function".
  9. Else if O has an [[ErrorData]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Error".
  10. Else if O has a [[BooleanData]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Boolean".
  11. Else if O has a [[NumberData]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Number".
  12. Else if O has a [[DateValue]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "Date".
  13. Else if O has a [[RegExpMatcher]] internal slot, let builtinTag be "RegExp".
  14. Else, let builtinTag be "Object".
  15. Let tag be ? Get(O, @@toStringTag).
  16. If Type(tag) is not String, let tag be builtinTag.
  17. Return the String that is the result of concatenating "[object ", tag, and "]".


  1. ECMAScript® 2018 Language Specification
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